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Church organizations in the midst of pastoral transition face complex challenges. These challenges are not static but fluid, not simple but multifaceted. Transition is not like a road with clear lines but is like a river with currents, shoals, and channels.  

In response, KNOT Navigators is much more than a traditional pastoral search firm, merely focused on the end goal of finding a new pastor. Rather, in our unique threefold process we realize that churches need assistance from the moment a minister resigns, starting with the need for a Certified Transitional Pastor. KNOT Navigators resources both the church and its leaders safely into their new beginning.
"I recently had the privilege of serving on the Pastor Nomination Committee (PNC) for our local church (Threshold Church (EPC), in Weddington, NC.  I also have the privilege of serving as a Ruling Elder at Threshold. As we considered how to approach the process of discerning God’s call for a new pastor, we became aware of a new organization, Knot Navigators. The mission of Knot Navigators is to provide churches in transition with assistance in searching for a new pastor.  I have one vital message to relay after working with Knot Navigators through our search process. “Thank you God for sending Knot Navigators to guide and assist us!” Pastors Bill Enns and Dori Little have such a wealth of experience as pastors. They assisted the PNC in every aspect of the Pastoral search including: Assisting in all the pre-search work that needs to be done prior to engaging in the actual search process, the vetting and interviewing of candidates, and providing guidance in development of the financial/benefits package as part of the “Terms of the Call” document. Knot Navigators continued to assist the PNC, after the Call was accepted, in the planning of the Installation of our new Pastor. In summary, Knot Navigators assisted us in every aspect of the Pastoral Search process. We could not be more pleased with all of our interactions with Knott Navigators. We truly believe that our Lord sent Knot Navigators our way as a manifestation of his steadfast love for our church. I would be happy to talk with anyone interested in finding out more details about our experience with Knot Navigators."

Chuck Engstrom, Ruling Elder at Threshold Church in Weddington, NC

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